veda - Manage SKILL/SKILL++ workflows


veda command [arg]...
veda-run-ilx script [script-arg]...


Veda is a suite of modern tools and libraries for EDA developers.

The veda command-line tool is the main entry point for managing SKILL/SKILL++ workflows from the command-line.

See COMMANDS below for a description of the available commands. Detailed help for each command is accessible via veda help command; note that many of these manual pages contain an EXAMPLES sections to help you getting started.

The veda-run-ilx executable is a synonym for veda run-ilx, but is included as a separate tool so that it can be used via a Unix-like "shebang" line; cf. veda help run-ilx for more information.


Please use veda help command for detailed information about a specific command.

help [command]...

Display help information pertaining to command, or to the veda tool if no command is specified.


Print basic version information.


Interactively setup, check and repair environment.

run-ilx script [script-arg]...

Run a SKILL/SKILL++ script from the command-line.

new-workarea [options] wa-name

Set up a new project workarea.

new-package pkg-name [options]

Create a new skeleton package.

add-package pkg-name...

Add package(s) to project workarea.

test-package [options] [pkg-name...]

Run the test suite of one or more packages.

new-jenkins-job [options] pkg-name...

Create job(s) for Jenkins CI.


Various commands are affected by VEDA_* environment variables.

These can variables be set either from the shell, or from one of the following files, each one overriding the previous, in order:

where $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is a modern Linux convention and defaults to $HOME/.config.

Note that the first of these files is autogenerated, and that comments/extras will be overwritten on each update, whereas user.env is reserved for manual editing. Here is an example doctor-1.env:

# Autogenerated file.  Removing entries from this file
# is okay, but comments and other variables will be
# lost at the next rewrite.
# Please edit '~/.config/crosstwine/veda/user.env' instead.

VEDA_USER_NAME=Wile\ E.\ Coyote

and an example user.env:

# Acme, Inc. is the copyright holder.
VEDA_COPYRIGHT_ASSIGN='Acme Rocket-Powered Products, Inc.'

# Note the multiline license banner.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE: All information contained herein remains
 * the property of Acme Rocket-Powered Products, Inc.


The following configuration variables are supported:


The user's full name, e.g. Wile E. Coyote. Mandatory; some commands will complain if that variable is not present in the user's environment. Can be set interactively via veda doctor;


The user's email address, e.g. wile.e.coyote@acme.corp. Mandatory, as with VEDA_USER_NAME;


Used when filling the copyright holder field in templates. Optional, defaults to a placeholder. E.g. Wile E. Coyote, or Acme Rocket-Powered Products, Inc.;


Used when filling the license banner field in templates. Optional, defaults to a placeholder. E.g.

;; All Rights Reserved.
;; NOTICE: All information contained herein remains
;; the property of Acme Rocket-Powered Products, Inc.

Path to the bare-bones SKILL interpreter binary. If not set or invalid, a number of bin subdirectories of $CDSHOME are searched;


Path to the db-enabled SKILL interpreter binary. Falls back to $CDSHOME/**/bin as for VEDA_SKILL_BIN;


Path to the Virtuoso binary. Falls back to $CDSHOME/**/bin as for VEDA_SKILL_BIN;


A colon-separated list of package sources. Note that this variable is not used by Veda's package loader, but only when adding packages to the current workarea (veda help add-package).

Each source has the form method,args, e.g.


Note that add-package always appends its own pkg/ directory to the list of sources, as in:


Cf. PACKAGE_SOURCES section for more information;


Default for new-jenkins-job's --cli-jar option; cf. veda help new-jenkins-job for details;


Default for new-jenkins-job's --url option; cf. veda help new-jenkins-job for details.



A directory tree containing deployed packages, as in the share/veda/0.2.0/pkg/ subdirectory of the Veda installation:

$ ls share/veda/0.2.0/pkg/
csv  package  testing
$ ls share/veda/0.2.0/pkg/*/{csv,package,testing}.ils

A directory tree containing Git repositories, one per package. Each of these repositories can either be bare or have an associated working directory, but the latter, if any, is left untouched. Example:

$ ls /my/pkg/repos/
json.git       veda.git    http.git
package.git    csv.git     xml.git
testing.git    doc.git
$ git --git-dir=/my/pkg/repos/csv.git log -1
commit 4655b0478c89dbb24a7813bfe4cf029642cf4df3
Author: Wile E. Coyote <wile.e.coyote@acme.corp>
Date:   Wed Jan 2 21:44:16 2013 +0100

    csv: Keep track of line numbers; report them in errors

can be included via gittree,/my/pkg/repos/.


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